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Dyslexia Presentation- May 2017
Have a SMART students who is struggling with reading, writing, math and/or spelling?
It may be DYSLEXIA. Letter reversals are not the only, or even the most common sign.
1 in 5 people suffer form Dyslexia. You are not alone.
1. TedEd - What is Dyslexia? (4 minutes)
2. HBO Documentary - The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia.
3. NPR - Unlocking Dyslexia, a six part series.
4. Tennessee Department of Education - Dyslexia Advisory Council Page
Dyslexia Advisory Council - TN.Gov
5. United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services "Dear Colleague" letter dated October 23, 2015 directing schools and districts to say and use the word "dyslexia."
6. How to help your child-