Thank you to all who helped us reach our goal!
Invest In Your Child is a time for Waverly Belmont families to give back to our great school simply by making a donation—for any amount—your participation and involvement are what’s most important! It takes a village, and the WB PTO is proud to support the needs and wants of Waverly Belmont Elementary. We want to do our part in helping grow our kids every day. In the past, we have provided the following:
- Natural Playground
- Technology Needs
- Part-Time Advanced Academics Resource Teacher
- Special Education Fidget Seating
As the school leadership team begins planning for 2018-19, we want to continue to support the needs and wants of the school. Our spring funding will target the following:
- Classroom sets of anchor texts to support the MNPS curriculum
- Personnel needs to help grow all kids every day
- Technology needs to MAINTAIN our 1:1 device status and one Clear Touch per classroom (as we grow). Future fundraisers will always have 20% going toward technology